Ricky Ricky Your So Tricky

March 8, 2009

Went out and hung with my boys in Newcastle this weekend and went for a roll in some drains. We were talking about when ever James and I go out skating and shoot some photos we always end up shooting some stupid random tick or dressing up like idiots.

This time it was shooting something random.


* Lay back braaa!

It was actually pretty fun to hang out in the drains like old days. Also I found that I have a broken fish eye, looks like its a trip to the service centre this week.

Now Ricky has been around for a few years now. He was this young kid who was from a broken home that would come down and skate with us but he would rollerblade. So we conned him into riding a board and hang up the skates.

Ricky is a holding a few extra cards in his deck than us but he always amazes us with his randomness and funny jokes. So he is apart of the crew and is actually getting better at skating. 

He is a cut little prick these days.


* Dont mess with this 55kg machine

Also we found out he used to do gymnastics back in the day. So he thought he would bust out a hand spring over the drain! This was totally random and we all pissed our selves laughing even Ricky. 


* Bust’n out!


* Hand spring like it aint no thang.

ps: check the wrist bend.

In a fortnight Im heading up again for some more shooting of my boys. There is this wheel chair bump that is going to get destroyed by Simon, so siked to shoot it.

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